My daughter Ashley and I are preparing for a *Girls Get-A-Way*, August 26th through September 5th. Well....I guess it should be called a *Girls Get-A-Way...plus one Male!*; as we will be heading to Mackinaw Island with my Dad and Mom for a great memory making adventure before Ashley leaves for YWAM.
My parents are truly amazing, and Ashley is the apple of their eye so they wanted to do something special with and for her before she heads off into adult hood. As we've been preparing for this trip, I've been reminded of 17 years ago when my parents took their 2 favorite girlies (shh...don't tell my brothers and their wives, and their daughters.....but they know....) on another trip to Upper Michigan to see the fall colors.
At that time, Ashley was only 1 1/2 years old and she entertained us the entire trip from singing songs like, Bull Frogs and Butterflies....to Zaccheus was a wee little man, to you are my Sunshine. We took tons of pictures, and my parent enjoyed every minute of their time with us. Our memories were cut short that trip as my Grandmother died from cancer; but we were able to get to the hospital before she passed away, and Ash sang to Great-Grandma...You are my sunshine....and she melted every heart in that hospital room. Lots of tears were shed that trip....and I'm guessing many will be shed this trip as well.
Fast-forward 17 years and here we are...preparing for another trip to Michigan..but this time..to love on Ash before she moves far....far....far....away. Again there will be lots of singing, laughin' and relaxing.
Ashley has played a pivotal part in my parents live. Six years ago my Dad was rushed to the hospital for open heart surgery, and Ashley refused to stay behind so she traveled back home with me and she was a great source of comfort to my Mom as she sat in the waiting room and held Grandma's hand during the surgery. Then, Ash sat by the hour next to Grandpa's bedside, praying....watching....and praying somemore. Once my Dad was released from the hospital, Ash and I spent an entire week with my parents, helping them adjust to the needs my Dad now had.
Then, one year ago this past May, my Dad found out that he has CLL (blood cancer) and once again, Ashley jumped in to the roll of being there. This time, 6 years older she was a great source of comfort not only to my parents, but to me as well as she spent hours in her room seeking God....and not resting until God gave her a scripture that she believed was for Grandpa. We all feared that Ash would become discouraged (her FAITH was so child like..and she really believed that God spoke to her...and she was standing on his promise) because we felt that she was too young to totally understand the magnitude of cancer. Basically...we were wanting her to worry, and fuss like we were, rather than trusting in God as she was. But, instead of Ashley learning the lessons of how hard cancer is....and sometimes...healing doesn't happen...the thoughts Ashley shared that God placed on her heart came to pass...as my Dad only needed 2 rounds of chemo...and he's now in remission.
We all learned a valueable lesson that God is no respector of persons...and he WILL speak to children and young people.....and we have been so blessed to see how Ashley's faith has been built up through this trial.
As we load up my parents Holiday Inn on wheels (they have a beautiful 5th wheel with all the amenities of home) and head to the Island....my heart is going to savor every precious second we'll have with our sweet Ashley!!!
There will be lot's of laughs.....giggles....and late nights cuddlin' in bed with my parents (for some reason..my family is HUGE on pillow talk) as we try to hold on to every precious moment of time before Ash leaves.
Instead of focusing on the wish I would of....could of...should of's......for the past 18 years......God's encouraging me to hold fast to the memories we'll make during this 9 day vacation. God has amazing plans for Ash......and I'm so excited to see what plans he unfolds for her!!!
Following our time with my parents, my dh and Andrew will join us and the four of us will travel to my dh families to spend 2 days with them so they can get their fill of hugs and kisses with Ashley. (My dh parents are above)
We truly are blessed parents to have a daughter who loves the Lord her God with all her heart, soul, and mind!
See you in September!!!!
Yes Kim you are blessed and we are all enriched by Ashley's love for Christ! Tell Ashley I will be praying for a wonderful, busy trip! And she will be home before you know it!
ReplyDeleteKim, you are so blessed with such a God Loving daughter and parents that adore and lover her also as you and your husband do. I will be praying for a safe trip for all and some wonderful memories to be made. Enjoy and we will be here waiting to hear all about it when you get back. Enjoy and God be with you all.
ReplyDeleteKim may you have a wonderful trip with life time memories. And the pictures are awesome=)
ReplyDeleteYou are truly blessed. Those are great photos! Have a wonderful time while you are making incredible memories.
ReplyDeleteBlessings to you.
ReplyDeleteMy first time here and I love your blog! I'll be sure to keep stopping by!!!
What a lovely daughter you have and what a blessing it is to have a daghter who is truly seeking after God's heart.
ReplyDeleteI know you are having a wonderful time--I hope you will have great memories of this special time.