Tuesday, June 24, 2008

You Make My Day

Sweet Deidre from For Such A Time As This blessed me with this award:

It's funny how she thinks I "make her day"...when reality is, she makes mine each time I read her blog. (Thanks Deidre :-)

There are so many people who could/should be honored with this award....but since we are in the month of June...I thought I'd pick 6 blogs to pass this on to. So, without further ado, here are six blogs that I can honestly say, "you make my day"":

1. The first person I want to pass this award on to is Kelley from Aroma of Joy. Kelly brightens my day each time I visit as she's open, honest, and has such a LOVE for the Lord. I'm so drawn to her sense of humor, and she's a great writer. (hope your blisters are feeling better?)

2. Susan from Forever His, is so worthy of this award. Susan, you share such deep, thought provoking posts about the things God has done, and continues to do in your heart and life. You are a GREAT example, of a Godly wife, and Mother. Thank-you for your FAITHFULNESS to stand for truth.

3. Tonya from Safe in His Arm's is truly an example of how we need to "hold onto Jesus", even in tough times. Tonya, your heart for the Lord is so real...and you so inspire me, to keep pressing into him, regardless of my situations or circumstances.

4. Sheryl from The Perch is a blog that I've recently found, and I'm so THANKFUL that I have. Sheryl truly has a heart for God and she's an amazing example (like Tonya) of the importance of "keeping on"...even when the road seems unclear. Check out her blog, you will be blessed.

5. Tea with Tiffany is another blog that is so worthy of this award. Each time I visit, I'm challenged and convicted all at the same time!! Tiffany is a gifted writer who has a way of pulling you in as she reals the secret places her heart has been. She's an open book, whose desire is to help others...find their way to Jesus.

6. Angie from The Knightly News is my #6 pic. Angie is another amazing example of a woman who earnestly seeks her Savior, even on those days, when the pain of grief seem too much. Check out her blog, and read her most recent post...it will be sure to send Holy Ghost bumps up and down your arms.

My prayer is that God will BLESS each of you, with the same measure, as you've blessed, enriched, challenged, and encouraged my HEART!!!

THANKS...for making my day ladies!



  1. Kim, words have just left this brain...I am thanful for you, and feel so unworthy of such---I search out you and others like you almost daily to lift my heart and take my thoughts closer to where they belong! Trips to "bloggyhouses" like yours after I get home from work---after supper is done, the kitchen cleared, gives me a new perspective on my life and the coming day. I am so blessed to have such an awesome friend as you. As we BOTH look to Christ as our example, we will follow His PATH, HIS direction for our lives! You have blessed my day---I thank you from the bottom of my heart for this!

  2. I haven't heard of any of these ladies, so I am excited to visit each of them.

    I just sent you an e-mail - I'm praying for you tomorrow!

  3. You are thankful for ME? Oh my goodness, that just blows my mind. I come HERE knowing how much you'll bless me! Thank you for your kind words, they mean so much to me right now. I am lovin' the fact that God is bringing women together here in bloggyland that I truly call my friends. Others think I'm a little bit crazy, but I truly feel like I know you and can call you friend.

    Thanks for making my day, Kim!


  4. Hey Kim,

    How precious you are!! I'm just so thankful for YOU, and now you have made MY DAY!!!

    You are such an encourager to so many. I love reading your posts and look forward to your comments.

    I'm so blessed God brought you into my life.

    Isn't He just wonderful?

    So, the award goes RIGHT BACK TO YOU!

    Thanks so very much Kim♥

  5. Kim,

    Thank you for taking the time to speak life over six ladies. What a gift you are. Thank you for choosing to honor me with an award. I am touched to know I challenge and convict you. God gets all the credit for that. He spurs me on to write and encourage.

    Anyway, I've never done the award giving myself. Not because people don't deserve it, but because if I start I don't know where to stop. Like you, I'd list many women. I'm already struggling with trying to meet my writing deadlines because I love blogging and connecting this way.

    So in my own way, I return the award to you. You bless me.

    Praying for your family. And love the picture of the split road.


  6. Kim,
    WOW, I feel so blessed to receive this from you. Like Cheryl, I feel like it's YOU who makes MY day. Reading your words and thoughts is a blessing to me every time I visit. Thank you for thinking of me and saying such sweet things. You are an amazing woman and I pray that one day our paths will cross in real life.

    I do want to tell you that my "5 minute talk" at She Speaks was on Jeremiah 6:16 and standing at the crossroads of life. This picture is a perfect visual for that talk!

    Thanks for the award and thanks for being my friend, I Love you girl!!!


Thank you for stopping by Seasons Of My Heart and leaving a comment. Please know that my prayer is that your heart is blessed and encouraged today.