Thursday, September 4, 2008

Back to School....

We are well on our way into the month of September, and as the cooler temps begin to settle in, I’m dreaming of fall colors, anything pumpkin, (cakes, breads, candle’s) and the amazing feeling that is in the air.

This past Tuesday, Andrew started his Junior year of High School and I’m once again reminded of just how fast time moves forward. For some reason the prep for H.S. seems much less stressful than when he was younger; perhaps it’s because he only has 4 classes a day which require a quick trip to Target to pick up 4 folds, 4 notebooks, pens and pencils? (And, let’s not forget the must need $120.00 calculator… Thank goodness he doesn’t need that until 2nd semester.)

Our week has been off to a good start. Early to bed, early to rise, and so far, we’ve been holding to our new schedule/routine pretty well. In fact, he was up and at em’ bright and early on his first day, with a smile on his face knowing we’d be taking “first day of school pictures”! What a guy. (I think he was happily anticipating our annual “pizza night”, which has been a first day of school tradition since Ashley started preschool.)

Andrew is truly an amazing young man, and he brings so much joy and humor to our family. He’s so stinkin’ funny, and his one liner’s crack all of us up and he loves to repeat “funny” things that he hears. His most recent favorite thing to say is:

“It don’t make a nickel bit of difference”

He heard this line one Saturday when we took him out for lunch as we overheard the conversation from the neighboring table. So now, it’s a part of his vocabulary as he says it with a “southern twang” to it. Now mind you, he’s a northern boy, so it’s hilarious to hear him say it when I ask him things like:

“What do you want for dinner buddy?” He responds, “it don’t make a nickel bit of difference!”

Here are a few more funny things he will do:

*Many nights, as we all begin to settle down he will haul his pillow and blanket upstairs to Ashley’s room, knock on her door and ask her if she wants to have a slumber party with him?

*He’s packed himself in Ashley’s luggage (she’s packing to leave on Sunday) and asked her to take him with her.

*When he’s having a hard time getting up to his alarm in the morning and I have to remind him for the ump teen time to “get up”, he responds by saying, “Oh Mom, are you having a rough morning? Do you need a hug? “

* For those of you who may be familiar with the “Aflac” (insurance) commercial and how the duck says, “Aflac”. Well, Andrew calls Ashley’s name the same may the duck says Aflac. It’s a riot, although, I don’t think Ash would agree. lol

*Andrew pat’s his hair, and walks with his hands in his pants pockets the exact same way my dad does. He even has the same grin as my dad, and the same laugh as Tim’s dad.

*Anytime Andrew finds me relaxing in my favorite chair, reading a book, looking at a magazine or watching TV he will say, “wanna cuddle mom?” (in his southern twang voice) And he will squeeze on the chair with me.

His Andrew-isms are so funny.

As we drove him to school on his first day, saying a prayer with him on the way, I kindly reminded him to not say to his teacher: “it don’t make a nickel bit of difference”, as I’m sure he will be using that line…as he’s often considered somewhat of a ‘class clown”.

The Seasons of our lives continue to change as we will soon begin to be a family of 3 again, as Ashley begins her next adventure, so far from home as she follows after the heart of her Father; and we anticipate many memories with Andrew as he enjoys his junior year, works at the golf course, and will soon begin his basketball season.

As much as some thing seem to stay the same, so much more changes, and we are excited to see the amazing things God has in store, just up ahead, around the corner.


  1. Now, Kim... you shouldn't make fun of people from the South and our funny sayings and our little twang. Heck, that mighta been my Uncle JoeBob ya'll overheard saying "it don't make a nickle bit of differnce." (If I HAD an Uncle JoeBob, I'm sure he'd say that!)

    Glad your back-to-school week is going so well and that you're enjoying your family so much. Hey... wanna adopt me? Sounds like fun hangin' out with Andrew and Ashley (and you and Tim of course) would be a Grade A blast!

  2. Kim~

    First things first.... I LOVE your new layout. Why did I not see this one because I would have picked this one for sure! I love it! I love the colors, polka dots, and the little ribbons.

    Thank you my friend for your prayers today. Not only for us but for Sarah and Mike as well.

    I loved hearing more about Andrew and the funny things he says. I love it when my kids make me laugh because of funny things they say.

    We are praying for Ashley and for you and Tim. We'll pray for Andrew too since he won't be going in the luggage:(

    Thanks again for your prayers today.

    P.S. one more time... I LOVE YOUR LAYOUT!!!

  3. I love the new layout... Very Fallish..LOL. My son too is a Junior in HS. I am not ready for him to be out of school. I hope you do well seeing Ash of for her trip.

  4. I love your blog makeover. How sweet.

    Your daughter is SO beautiful. I'm sure she has guys always chasing her.

    Her son is HILL-AIR-EE-US! He sounds so funny, adorable, and a riot to live with. Cherish the next two years. It sounds like that is going to be a real adjustment with his sense of humor gone.

  5. Kim, as always I love hearing about your sweet kids. Your Andrew sounds like my Andrew and Ben. I miss those days with my Andrew but I still have Ben home to make up for it.

    I will be saying some extra prayers for you all as Ash heads off on her next adventure. You truly have been blessed with amazing kids.

    we have been back in school for almost a month and it is hard to believe. Gosh wear did the summer go.

  6. Kim,
    Thank you for your prayers for my entire family today. You are so kind to think of us. We certainly felt comforted today.

  7. You have a beautiful family.
    Your Andrew sounds like a hoot!

    I love the song on your page. Isn't she amazing?

  8. Kim
    I haven't commented in just forever--I've continued to read though. I just wanted to find out if Ashley, by chance, knows two friends of mine. He is the assistant director of YWAM in Bangkok--Phil and Cindy Porter. I don't know if that is where she was or not but was curious.

  9. First of all, I too, love your new blogspot look! I seriously want some instructions from you!

    I have to share our first day of school picture story from many years ago. Our youngest had only been in school for a few years when I mentioned taking our yearly pictures. He started to complain about it when our middle son looked at him and said "Scott, mom takes a picture EVERY year on the first day of school. Now just shut up and smile." It cracked me up.

  10. We always have a tough time adjusting back to "the three of us". It is so much easier knowing that #4 is right where God wants him for that season. It's awesome to have a BIG, BIG God that is with all of us no matter where we are or if we are together. Our #4 is the comedian and he usually has a laughing until we cry!

  11. Blog layout - love it!!

    Okay, now...what amazing kids you have. They are both are special and unique in their own way. You must be very proud. They've obviously had great examples modeled by their parents!

    Love to you-

  12. Kim

    Andrew seems like a "hoot" as we say in Oklahoma! I guess we must adapt so to speak to changes, because it seems we all have the different seasons of life.

    I will be praying as Ashley leaves for our God to protect her, and to give her family at home peace and comfort as she follows her heart.

    Doesn't your Dad test soon, also?

    Take care!

  13. What a neat son you have and a beautiful daughter. The seasons of our lives indeed continue to change and bring us many new adventures and memories. God is good! Glad to have found your blog and your encouraging words.

  14. I love the descriptions you shared about Andrew. He is such a treasure, and he reminds me a bit of my own little guy.

    Praying you through the changes.


Thank you for stopping by Seasons Of My Heart and leaving a comment. Please know that my prayer is that your heart is blessed and encouraged today.