Tuesday, September 2, 2008

An award and Six things about Me

My friend Christy from Between Here and Home has blessed me with the "I <3 your blog" award and I'm excited to pass it on the 6 blogs that have truly blessed my heart.

1.) Kelley from Aroma of Joy
2.)Deidre from For Such a Time as This
3.)Denise from Tucked inside my Heart
4.)Tracy from My Cup Runneth Over
5.)Kimba from A Soft Place to Land
6.)Pam from Without Fear

Here are the rules for passing this award on...

1.) The winner(s) can put the logo on their blog.
2.) Link to the person you received the award from.
3.) nominate other blogs (up to seven) to pass the award along to.
4.) Put the links of those blogs on yours.
5.) Leave a message on the blogs of people you've mentioned.

Please know I won't be offended if you choose not to pass this on! This is just for fun and to recognize those GREAT bloggers out there! I have really enjoyed getting to know each of you.
I'm also joining with Christy in her first tag about sharing 6 things about yourself. So.... here are 6 things about me that you may not know...

1.) I often buy shoes, and then find clothes to match
2.)I love to scrapbook and make homemade cards
3.)I love to make things with my hands for my home by finding things at garage sales/thrift stores, etc...
4.)Organization should really be my middle name.
5.)I like to downhill ski
6.)Fall is my most favorite time of the year

Have a blessed Tuesday.


  1. I just love it when gals post things that I wouldn't know about them!
    I love fall too - oh and I ski!!! I love to ski! :)
    Gog Bless!

  2. Perhaps we should get a bunch of bloggers together for a ski trip!! How fun would that be???
    Thanks so much for the award, I will post it on my sidebar. I have such a hard time choosing who to pass these on to but you have really made me feel special and loved! :)
    Also, I just finished reading your State Fair post. I loved it, I can
    so relate to everything you shared. As for concert "worshippers" I went to an Eric Clapton concert a couple of years ago and was blown away at the reaction of people who wouldn't think of raising their hands in church. We do live in a misguided world I'm afraid.
    Have a great week and enjoy your time with that beautiful girl before she has to go again.


  3. Feel free to come and organize at my house anytime you run out of things to do! :-)

  4. Blessings Kim and Congratulations!

    I LOVE YOUR BLOG and it's new look!

    Send me some of that MN state fair!
    not the weird people part...but the food..oh, and not the prices
    ...but the food...did I say I miss the food...CC cookies...mmmmm they look good!

    I love fall! I love your 6 things and your 6 blessed blogs...and I wish I was going to Maui...God's blessings on that sweet Ashley!

    LOVE THIS BLOG LOOK!!! LOVE YOUR BIBLE!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE...what season of your life are you enjoying??? You didn't tell u everything ya' know!

  5. What concert did you see @ the county fair?

    I love the "B" frame that you made. It is so cute.

    Congrats on your award.

  6. Thanks so much for passing your award onto me. It really makes me feel good.

    Your blog is lovely and I enjoyed reading your post about the state fair.

  7. Kim,
    Congratulations on your well-deserved award...I heart your blog, too! Thanks also for sharing that with me. You've blessed my day! ; )



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