Monday, October 22, 2007

Lead Me To the Cross

The first day I returned to work after Ashley left for YWAM, this was the song that was playing in our van, as it was one of Ashley's favorites.

A lot of *stuff* has been taking place, yet, through it all..God continues to pull me CLOSE to his cross!!

It's because of the cross, I'm free. And, it's because of the cross...I count EVERYTHING as lose for him!!

Lord...lead me to the cross..where your BLOOD poured out...and bring me to my knees. I truly need to rid myself...of me.

I pray this song blessed you today!

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl,
    That is really good!
    Hope you are having a good week.



Thank you for stopping by Seasons Of My Heart and leaving a comment. Please know that my prayer is that your heart is blessed and encouraged today.