Friday, April 12, 2019

The God Who Sees.......

Today, marks 9 months/274 days since I've said good-bye.  Somedays it seems as thou you've been gone --- forever, other's ---like it was just yesterday that I held your hand and kissed your cheek for the last time. Then there are moments when I think of you and my heart has a knowing -- a longing --- a sweet, gentle reminder that I'm one day closer to eternity, and that thought brings much joy and comfort to my heart.

As we enter the Palm Sunday weekend, followed by Good Friday and Easter my heart has been so in-tune with the path Jesus walked, knowing that he would be giving up his life - - in order for you and I to have eternal life so that we could truly live. What a gift....the gift of his shed blood  'sealing' our eternity thru the gift of salvation. And thru Jesus' great sacrifice, I find  such comfort knowing that Tim's greatest now his reality and he will be celebrating his 1st Easter with Jesus rejoicing in HIS presence.

Walking these past months God has tenderly been speaking to and working in my heart reminding me....that HE knows --  HE understands -- and HE cares better than anyone the pain, agony, depth of loss, grief and sadness I'm feeling and walking thru, as HE gave his only son--Jesus. I've experienced a shift in my heart each time I take communion having a deeper level of understanding of what Jesus' death on the cross completed for me.  His body --- his blood -----such a sacred, holy, powerful gift.

Trying to image what the disciples, Mary Jesus' mother and Mary Magdalene experienced -- thru their heartache and Jesus carried the cross and then died----has caused me much brokenness and thankfulness as I process his sacrifice. His gift --- His promise --- His hope --- his reminder that he's making a way for me not only IN my wilderness and brokenness - -  but thru them.

Elisabeth Elliot said,

"---the deepest spiritual lessons are not learned by his letting us have our way in the end, but by his making us wait, bearing with us in love and patience until we are able to honestly pray what he taught his disciples to pray: Thy will be done."

In the deep valleys, and season I'm walking heart firmly says,  'Thy will be done!" In my stance I declare that I'll choose God's will to be done in and thru me  EVERY TIME----for I truly stand on his promises that he has a perfect plan for me -----Tim's passing away was not a mistake ----- but part of HIS sovereign plan ----- from the beginning of time - - and I must lay down any thought that says, if only I had more faith--or if only I had prayed more - - God would have spared his life.  God has and will always have the final say, and I MUST rest and trust in his perfect plan.

The song--- The God Who Sees has been healing balm to me as the lyrics walk thru the story of many in the Bible. Thru each of their wilderness experience, it brought them to their knees....and in the depth of their pain, God met them and lifted them up --- leading them to their next. Their hardships were all part of God's plan, not to destroy them, BUT to birth a promise --- a new beginning and the perfect plan ultimately lead them each to the Promise Land -- to Jesus. And the promise he had for them ---- is the same promise he has for each of us.

What a great examples to read and know that the God of Hargar, Ruth, David and Mary Magdalene - - - is the same God who sees you and I.  He cares about the wilderness we each find ourselves in, and HE promises that our journey will not destroy us - - - but- - -  will lead us to Jesus.  God's asking each of us, to leave our despair and press into him, because he has a perfect plan -- that is good. (click the link below to watch the video)

My prayer continues to be -- Jesus, even though at times I cannot see what's up ahead or around the next corner----- I will stand with and in faith and I will not cease to believe that you are good; that you are moving and that you are making a way and holding me up.  

You are more than enough for me...because....

You are the God who see's.........ME.

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