Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas

As I reflect on the most amazing gift God has given us, his son JESUS my heart is so thankful that we have the blessed HOPE of knowing that Tim is celebrating his FIRST Christmas in heaven this year.  I wonder what he is seeing, and what it must be like to celebrate Jesus....face to face?

This Christmas season both Christmas and Easter have been much on my heart and in my thoughts. There had to be a tension of sort in the heavenlies over 2,000 years ago as they knew the great cost and sacrifice this precious baby boy Jesus would one day make.  Born in a humble manager....to one day, being crucified on a cross so that thru HIS great sacrifice....we could have the blessed hope of eternal life and spending eternity with him, if we call upon him and make him Lord of our lives.

What a wrestling.....

What a hope...

What a promise.....

And it's in these 3 words....wresting....hope...promise.....Jesus feels so close.

I've wrestled much with the Lord over the 'why' (why did you allow this) and 'what' (what do you want to teach/show me).

It's been in and thru my wrestling I'm finding a 'hope' that God WILL use everything that comes in and thru my life to shape, mold and use it for his greater purpose.  Not to harm me...but to use it for my good.

This hope has propelled me to rest in the knowing that his promises are true...and he will never go back on his word, and that he will lead me thru this wilderness.

Heaven is so close to my heart as I long to really know and understand what it will be like to one day be face-to-face with the one who loves me most...JESUS. Until then....I can dream...and wonder what Christmas in heaven is like...with the angel's...celebrating around the throne.....

I'll love you forever Tim, and I'm holding your memories so close the Christmas, and I'm longing for the day when I'll see you again. Until then, I'll make you SO proud...in how I'm walking this road.....❤

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas to you, friend! God has continued to shine beautifully through you and has magnified Himself as you have walked this road with such trust in Him and His ways.

    With love~


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